Sometimes organizations can have compensation programs that are outdated to the point where the rhyme & reason, as well as the history behind the current compensation practices becomes lost. Without proper attention and maintenance Compensation programs can become ineffective and even problematic over time. In these cases, multiple compensation projects may be needed to re-establish…
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Pay for Performance
Pay-for-performance (a.k.a. differentiated pay, alternative compensation, merit pay, etc.) can be a controversial salary topic, one that oftentimes pits leadership and bargaining units against each other. Pay-for-performance goes beyond the traditional reliance on seniority, graduate level credits, and other ‘organization-based’ criteria, and promotes individual and/or team performance in the advancement of the organization. While commonplace…
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Implementation Planning & Execution
The implementation of a new or updated compensation program(s) should be handled with the same level of planning, due diligence, and attention to detail as the program components themselves. There are crucial aspects of the implementation process that can derail the entire project if left unattended. The successful implementation of a compensation project involves the…
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Salary Policy/Guideline Development
Putting your organization’s salary policy/guidelines in writing should take place before making salary decisions. Having a written set of guidelines accomplishes the following important functions: It ensures that compensation practices are consistently administered throughout the organization. Due to the consistency in application, it mitigates risk of unfair salary decisions. It serves as a transparent &…
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