About us

Richardson Compensation Consulting, LLC is a full-service consulting firm serving non-profit, public sector (municipal government, healthcare, and education), and business organizations. We pride ourselves on helping HR departments add tangible value to their organizations by providing premium compensation tools & solutions designed exclusively for the unique complexities and needs of the organization.

What We Do

Richardson Compensation Consulting, LLC specializes in helping organizations update and/or create new compensation programs that allows them to leverage their salary budgets to drive performance and results. Whether you are a school system, municipal government, government agency, healthcare provider, non-profit organization, or a business, Richardson Compensation Consulting, LLC is your trusted advisor for your compensation issues.

Richardson Compensation Consulting, LLC works closely with clients to align their compensation programs with their strategic direction, so that clients can achieve their stated business objectives. Once aligned, the HR strategy comes alive and becomes the key driver for the achievement of business objectives.

Whether your organization is large or small, Richardson Compensation Consulting, LLC can help. Check out our services to learn more about how pay can work for you.


Richardson Compensation Consulting, LLC is your strategic and tactical partner for your total compensation needs, from job analysis to pay structure design to complete compensation program overhauls.

Even if you simply need a pair of hands to help you complete your existing Compensation projects, Richardson Compensation Consulting, LLC can help.

As your partner the following services are available

Compensation Philosophy Design

Trying in here. The compensation philosophy is a formal statement documenting the organization’s strategic position about employee pay.

Job Analysis

The job analysis is the process of identifying and documenting (in detail) the duties for a job, and the relative importance of the duties for a job.

Salary Survey Design & Administration

Either as part of a complete compensation study or as a stand-alone project, Richardson Compensation Consulting, LLC can design...


The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) legislates the rules by which a job can be declared either eligible (non-exempt) or ineligible...

Base Pay Structure Review & Design

The compensation philosophy is a formal statement documenting the organization’s strategic position about employee pay.

Incentive Plan Review & Design

Incentive compensation plans are based on the theory that rewards drive behavior. Applied to your organization...

Job Evaluation

Why overpay and/or underpay for your jobs if you don’t have to. A job evaluation (a.k.a. job pricing analysis) is the process of analyzing...

Leadership Compensation Review & Design

Senior leadership jobs within your organization have their own unique compensation features and risks.

Salary Policy / Guideline Development

Putting your organization’s salary policy/guidelines in writing should take place before making salary decisions.

Compensation Study

Sometimes organizations can have compensation programs that are outdated to the point where the rhyme & reason...


The implementation of a new or updated compensation program(s) should be handled with the same level of planning...

Pay for Performance

Pay-for-performance (a.k.a. differentiated pay, alternative compensation, merit pay, etc.) can be a controversial salary topic..